Welcome to the Space Telescope Grant Management System (STGMS)

General Information

If your institution's GMS account has not yet been activated by the STScI Grants Administration Office, please call any staff member listed in the contact list below under 'contacts'. If your institutions account has been activated, contact someone in your Sponsored Programs/Research office to obtain a password and privileges. You may use the Institution Contact Search function to check the status of your institution.

Your username is your email address. If you cannot access the GMS using your email address, please contact the Grants Administration Office either by phone 410-338-4200 or email gms_mail@stsci.edu. We will be happy to help.

Please note that help is also provided through out the system by clicking on a questions mark icon like this: Help


Paula SessaHead, Grants Administration410-338-4200gms_mail@stsci.edu
Bob GickingDeputy Head, Grants Administration410-338-4207gicking@stsci.edu
Tom BattaSenior Grants Administrator410-338-4202batta@stsci.edu
Casey LeanGrants Administrator III410-338-2482clean1@stsci.edu
Phillip HarmonGrants Administrator III410-338-2490pharmon@stsci.edu
Shantavia SturgisGrants Administrator III410-338-4315sturgis@stsci.edu
Tom MatternGrants Administrator III410-338-4924tmattern@stsci.edu
Paige WoodhouseGrants Administrator II410-338-2454pwoodhouse@stsci.edu
Peter ViveritoGrants Administrator II410-338-4788pviverito@stsci.edu
Ruthie GriffithGrants Administrator II410-338-4901rgriffith@stsci.edu
Christina AnyalewechiGrants Administrator I410-338-4990canyalewechi@stsci.edu
Melissa FocaSenior Administrative Assistant410-338-4354mfoca@stsci.edu
Randi HilfigerFinancial Manager410-338-4814rhilfiger@stsci.edu
Shelley LewisFinance Analyst III410-338-4594slewis@stsci.edu
Dana RohrFinance Analyst410-338-1199drohr@stsci.edu

Questions? You can send email to gms_mail@stsci.edu, or call us at 410-338-4200.